Rabu, 25 Juni 2014


Fertilización• Fertilizante utilizado es el estiércol de 15 toneladas / ha, 250 kg TSP / ha y 250 kg de KCl / fue utilizado como fertilizante ha basal.
DAUNPOKER.NET AGEN POKER DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERBAIK TERBESAR DAN TERPERCAYA• Provisión de estiércol se realiza simultáneamente extendido y nivelado por el cultivo.• N fertilizante en forma de urea y ZA con una relación de 01:02 de 300 kg / ha dado a 1 y 3 semanas después de la siembra cada media dosis• Para el suministro de fertilizante suplementaria que formule ditugal tan profundo como 10 cm y unos 10 cm de la planta.• fertilizantes Una vez insertado, luego se cubre el agujero con tierra.
7) Mantenimientoa) Costura Do Juka semillas no están dañados o no crecen. No hasta cerca de 7-10 días después de la siembra. No ese número de plantas por unidad de área se mantendrá de manera que todavía se logra meta de producción óptimo.
b) Arrancar malas hierbas, realizado tirando de las malas hierbas a mano o con herramientas.
c) Pembumbunan Con el objetivo de cerrar las raíces abiertas y hacer que el c
JOKIBET.COM Agen Casino Online Terpercayarecimiento de la planta se pone erecto o sólido. hacer subiendo o suelo montón en los principales cultivos. Esta actividad se lleva a bersaman la primera escarda.
d) Riego El riego en la siembra se realiza todas las noches hasta que la semilla crece, mientras que el siguiente riego adaptado a las condiciones de cultivo de la tierra y las condiciones de cultivo
e) Control de Plagas Vegetales Organismos.Para evitar la aparición de plagas y enfermedades deben ser considerados tierras sanitario y un buen drenaje y si es necesario para controlar las plantas rociadas conVainas de frijol jóvenes son - Spot pequeños, los bordes de color marrón oxidado con colores rojizos - rojizas. Forma irregular entre sí.El control debe seleccionar las semillas que están libres de la enfermedad o remojar las semillas con fungicidas Agrosid 50 SD antes de plantar.Rociar con fungicida Delsene Mx 200, con una concentración de 1 a 2 g / litro, o con fungicida Velimek 80 Wp, con una concentración de 2 a 2,5 g / litro de agua.h. Enfermedad oídio.Los síntomas de las hojas, tallos y blanco grisáceo fruta.Pengendalianya

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Rabu, 18 Juni 2014

Kopyok moss,

Kopyok moss,
forms such as hair, fine or coarse smooth, dark green and grow in ponds and paddy fields.

ituDomino.com JUDI DOMINO, AGEN DOMINO, AGEN JUDI DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA Net moss, short and besifat rough shape, similar to the net because interlocked, usually berwarnahijau and yellowish green, found in rice fields and ponds, but only grow in certain regions.
But at this time as the reduction of wetlands and paddy fields, the two types of moss is hard to find. Only in a few specific areas that may be encountered moss - moss in the wild. With these conditions encourage people to cultivate algae for fishing bait.
How to Plant a Moss
Some time ago there was a fellow who told me that some plants lumutnya drought and death. Perhaps this incident has also been experienced by others. During the various ways to grow moss in the pot has been done, the following will be distributed a few tips on how to plant moss, may be suitable and beneficial for those who want.
Materials and tools needed:

     Planting spot (could pot);
     Finely sifted volcanic sand;
     A mixture of soil, humus and organic fertilizers;
     Sieve the sand;
     Brush was;
     Moss that will be planted.
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How to:

     Place planting (pots) were moss with a minimum average of 1 cm and depending on needs. Moss stocked in the most basic preparations with the aim to keep the water and retain moisture;
     Above the moss layer of volcanic sand sprinkled evenly;
     Later on it is coated with moss growing media in the form of a mixture of soil, humus and organic fertilizers that have been smoothed;
     Appropriate planting medium contour shape desired;
     Flush growing media that have been contoured with clean water using a sprayer smooth enough to attach the moss to be planted;
     Planting moss in a way put on media WITHOUT PRESSED contoured to fit the top of the media and the desired shape;
     Slightly press the outside edges of each piece of moss using the ends of the fingers to be more attached to the planting medium;
     Sprinkle the connections between pieces of moss with volcanic sand that has been finely sifted evenly;
     Sand that has been sown then matched using a fine brush size being able to better fill the empty cavities and space connections between pieces of moss with the media;
     Spray moss newly planted using a spray
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     Clean planting containers (pots) of dirt, place it in a position to give 16-27 Celsius temperature and humidity, and light enough

Jumat, 13 Juni 2014

Description and Plant Morphology

Description and Plant Morphology
ituPoker.com JUDI POKER, AGEN POKER, AGEN SITUS TARUHAN BANDAR JUDI POKER ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYAThe shrubs, annual, grows upright and has a height of approximately 3 m. Stems are round, woody, hard and less labih 9 cm in diameter, if the young stems are purple and white dirty after dark. The leaves are single, beringgit leaf edge, pointed tip, base obtuse, 10-16 cm in length, width 5-11 cm, light green leaves and green (Syamsuhidayat, 1991).Flowers consist of 5 petals leaves protected by additional petals (epicalyx) so it looks like two layers of petals. Flower crown consists of 5 pieces or more if it is a hybrid. Pistil stalk long cylindrical stalk surrounded sari studded oval pollen. Seeds contained in a five-chambered capsule-shaped fruit (Anonymous, 2009a). Including a single flower, trumpet shape, located in the armpit leaves, bell-shaped petals, sharing five, yellowish green, the crown is composed of fifteen to twenty petals, pink, stamens many, stalk red sari, yellow anthers, pistil forms tube, and red flowers. The fruit is small, oval, about 4 mm in diameter, if ySenangPoker.com Agen Judi Poker Online Terpercaya Indonesiaoung white and brown if it is old. Form of compressed and white beans. Riding roots and light brown (Syamsuhidayat, 1991).c. Regional distribution, habitat and cultivationThe hibiscus is a shrub originating from East Asia and widely grown as an ornamental plant in tropical and subtropical regions. The flowers are large, red and odorless. Flowers of various cultivars and hybrids can be a single flower (petals layer) or double flowers (petals layered) are white to yellow, orange to dark red or pink (Anonymous, 2009a). This plant grows to a height of 1000-800 m above sea level. With annual rainfall of 1000 mm / year. Ambient air temperature range -27 ˚ 24 ˚ C, with moderate humidity and high radiation. Terms texture sandy clay, sandy clay, with a water depth of soil above 50 cm from the ground. This plant is propagated by cuttings and grafts. Planting is done by making a hole 30 cm x 30 cm x 30 cm, with a spacing of 3 mx 3 m (Santoso, 1998).d. Chemical constituentsThe leaves, flowers and roots of hibiscus flowers contain flavonoids. In addition, the leaves also contain saponins and polyphenols, flowers contain polyphenols (Syamsuhidayat, 1991). In particular, the leaves contain tarakseril acetate (Widjayakusuma et al., 1994), beta carotene (Duke, 2008). Containing hibiscus tarakseril acetate, β-sitosterol, kampesterol, stigmasterol, cholesterol, ergosterol, lipids, citric, tartaric acid, oxalic acid, fructose, glucose, sucrose, hibiscetin, sianidin and glycosides sianidin, alkanes (Kardono et al., 2003), quercetin (Duke, 2008). The flowers contain polyphenols (Syamsuhidayat & Hutapea, 1991), diglukosida sianidin (Widjayakusuma et al., 1994), ascorbic acid, phosphorus, calcium, iron, fat, fiber, niacin, riboflavin is, thiamine, and water (Duke, 2008), Puckhaber et al . (2002) reportBUNDAPOKER.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA ed the major flavonoid aglycone contents in fresh hibiscus flowers, quercetin and sianidin. Its roots contain tannins and saponins (Syamsuhidayat, 1991). Ethanolic extract of hibiscus flower contains alkaloids (Septyna, 2009).e. Property

Rabu, 11 Juni 2014

By isticmaalaya digada buffalo, ariga ku saabsan

By isticmaalaya digada buffalo, ariga ku saabsan 60 boqolkiiba kaas oo la siiyo saddexdii biloodba mar, weheliyaan Bacriminta kiimikada boqolkiiba 40 ciribtirka cayayaanka sida ayax, fangas ah oo weerara jir geedka.
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Iyadoo content ee MgO (magnesium 26 -28 boqolkiiba), ka dib markii caleemaha loo isticmaalo waxaa lagu si tartiib tartiib ah soo kabanaya, soo raacay by miro in wax badan oo. Bil kasta celcelis ahaan waxa ay soo saari kartaa 10 kun oo gogo 'liinta oo dhan.
Dhanka kale, haddii ay jirto xilli trak sida bishan ayuu kaliya waxay soo saartaa boqolkiiba 60 uu. By da'da 7 ilaa 10 sano dhirta
Leaves sidoo kale noqon rajadaIntaa waxaa dheer in ay lime iyo miraha kale liinta waxaa lagu gadaa, ay muuqato caleemaha sidoo kale ay awoodi karaan in ay soo saaraan doolar. Iyo guud ahaan iibsadaha waa ganacsade ah sida deodorizer ah iyo dhadhan xawaash.
Laakiin duwan liinta oo la qaato maalin walba ka, ka baxo iyo xataa markaas bilood saddex keliya marka qaaday daryeelka dhirta liinta hab in baxo xadhigga xumeyn. "Wixii caleemaha waxaa sida caadiga ah u iibin, oo ku saabsan RP 6,000 / kg, iyo xataa ka dibna saddex bilood markii aanu dayactirka iyo xadhigga qaban baxo xumeyn," ayuu yiri. *** MCP-mdn5
SIDA LOO geedo lime, liin, SANKIS, hagayaSida loo beeri lime ah geed lime, sankis oranji, hagaya kulanka oranji, sidaas, kuwa aan ogahay farsamada this laga yaabo in lagu wareerayo, sababtoo ah intooda badan waa dad horey u dhex beeray geed liin in la beero geed inta badan dhawr bilood uun ama dhawr sano ka dib mar dambe sidaas dhirtii ku dhinta, kiiska waxaa laga helaa iyadoo ay sabab u geedaha liinta la daweyn iyo ugu dambeyntii kulmin fayraska. Virus halkan ma joogo fayruska
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Minggu, 08 Juni 2014

Nangkadak is genetically modified plants Mekarsari (TWM)

Nangkadak is genetically modified plants Mekarsari (TWM). According Margianasari (Expert Team TWM), the origin of cultivars Nangkadak Mekarsari is the result of a cross between a mini jack fruit as female parents with local Cempedak as the male parent. Both are collections of germplasm collection field Mekarsari.
MASTERPOKER88.COM JUDI POKER ONLINE UANG ASLI INDONESIA RESMI DAN TERPERCAYA In June 2000, a team of researchers Mekarsari doing a cross between two different types of plants, namely mini jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.) With Cempedak (Artocarpus integer Merr.) Goal is an attempt to obtain new cultivars that have the properties of the parent alloy .Female parent is a jackfruit tree fruit mini round, the early duration. The mini jack fruit grown in pots the size of 100 liters. Parent mini jack fruit come from plants belonging Garnadi Gregori Hambali in Bogor Indah housing Baranangsiang. Upon entering the generative and produce flowers, artificial pollination is done by the male flowers from local Cempedak. Local Cempedak plants is derived from the existing main garden at the site Mekarsari.Jackfruit mini selected as female parents because the plants early duration, short crop canopy and fruit size is not too large. While the male elders Cempedak being chosen because of high productivity, crop plants resistant to pests, strong fruit aroma and taste sweet and easy to peel rind.In general, the figure of the plant and the type of fruit produced from these crosses over to lead to Cempedak as elder males, however, fruit size and quality of the fruit produced is far superior to the original parent. Fruit nangkadak have a larger size compared to fruit Cempedak in general. Cylindrical and elongated fruit shape. Cempedak ripe fruit aromas such as, but not as sharp as Cempedak soft. Very sweet fruit flavor and unique taste of the fruit is not affected by the environment. Fruit produced in the rainy season still sweet, not like jackfruit varieties and other varieties that will Cempedak reduced sweetness and taste bland even during the rainy season. Physical characteristics are more likely towards the tree nangkadak Cempedak as elder males. Mature trees produce fruit with skin resembling jackfruit, but after the split are anatomically resembles that Cempedak fruit flesh can be easily separated from Dami / straw and leather.Plant Morphology:
Badak88 Agen Bola Resmi Promo 100% SBOBET IBCBET Jelang Piala Dunia 2014Nangkadak is titled plants from crosses lush and early duration. Nangkadak plants consist of roots, stems, leaves, flowers and fruits, as described by Margianasari, et al. (2009) as follows:

Rabu, 04 Juni 2014

For the development of aquaculture, the CTF

For the development of aquaculture, the CTF continues to increase parent excel in supporting fisheries productivity. The number of brood production in 2012 as many as 10 million parent, which is expected to produce some 50 billion seed quality seed. UBCPOKER.com Situs Judi Poker Online Terbaik TerpercayaWhereas in 2011 has produced 12.7 million stem that produces quality seed as much as 36.7 billion seeds.
A variety of marine affairs and fisheries program has stimulated investment in marine and fisheries in 2012 reached Rp 2,067 trillion, an increase from 2011 which reached Rp 1.5 trillion. (Word and Duha)

Yogyakarta Special Region - Culture Health 4.3 Education 4.4 4.5 4.6 Religious Races 5 Spatial fisheries and aquaculture to be done through the development of fishing ports and Sadeng.
Benefits of Pineapple Fruit Fruit is very good - are there any scales on the skin of the fruit well in its development fused together into a cob. large pieces of pineapple cultivation in Indonesia is done in many areas, although in Lampung. Here are some of the benefits of beauty treatments ripe pineapple Characteristically cold.

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7 Variety Efficacy Benefits Lime - fish or mixed into dishes round fruit shape in yellow or green.

Minggu, 01 Juni 2014

Species: Ananas comosus (L) Merr.

Species: Ananas comosus (L) Merr. Pineapple plants and shrubs shaped his life is an annual (perennial). Pineapple plants consist of roots, stems, leaves, stems, flowers, fruits and shoots. Pineapple roots can be divided into the soil and root root side, with a limited root system roots attached to the base of the stem and including fibrous roots (Monocotyledonae). Rooting depth of the growing medium is either not more than 50 cm, whereas in ordinary soil rarely reaches a depth of 30 cm.
NAGALAUT.COM Agen Judi Bola Online Piala Dunia 2014, SBOBET, IBCBET Terbaik dan Terpercaya di Indonesia Sized pineapple plant stem length 20-25 cm or more thick with a diameter of 2.0 -3.5 cm, jointed (the books) short. Stem as the root attached, leaves flowers, buds and fruit, so that the rod does not visually appear as covered by the leaves around it. Flower or fruit stalk is elongated. Pineapple leaf length, clayey and have no major veins. In leaves no sharp thorns that grow from and there are not barbed. But some are prickly only at the tip of the leaf. Pineapple thorn neatly arranged facing one direction toward the leaf tip. Leaves grow pineapple lengthwise around 130-150 cm, width between 3-5 cm or more, the upper leaf surface smooth, shiny dark green or dark red striped or sorrel. While the lower leaf surface whitish or silvery. The number of leaves per plant stem varies between 70-80 strands like a spiral layout, which surrounds the stem from the bottom up to the top of the right and left. Pineapple has a series of compound interest at the end of the stem. Flowers are hermaphroditic and numbered between 100-200, respectively located in the axillary protector. The number of flowers open each day, totaling about 5-10 florets. The growth of interest starting from the bottom to the top takes 10-20 days. The time from planting to flower formed around 6-16 months. In general, a plant or a fruit stalk grows only one fruit alone. However, due to environmental influences may also establish more than one piece at a stalk called a multiple fruit (multiple pieces). At the end of the fruit buds usually grows a single crown, but there are shoots that grow more than one commonly called multiple crowns (double crown).

B. TYPES OF PINEAPPLE AND TERMS OF GROWTH 1. Type or Pineapple Varieties Based on the habitat of the plant, especially the shape of the leaves and fruit of pineapple known 4 types of groups, namely: Cayenne (leaves smooth, not barbed, large fruit), Queen (short spiny leaves a sharp, tapering cone-like fruit), Spain / Spanish (small long leaves, Barbed fine to coarse, flat round fruit with eyes) and Abacaxi (long spiny leaves rough, cylindrical fruit or like a pyramid). Many varieties of pineapple cultivars grown in Indone
KAISARBET.COM AGEN BOLA TERPERCAYA PIALA DUNIA 2014sia is a group Cayene and Queen. Spanish class was developed in the West Indian islands, Puerte Rico, Mexico and Malaysia. Group Abacaxi widely grown in Brazil. Today the range of varieties / cultivars of pineapple is the pineapple categorized excel Bogor, Subang and Palembang 2. Growing Conditions