Rabu, 30 April 2014

Age 1-4 mg 4 times applications ( ± 7 bbl / applications )

Note:- Age 1-4 mg 4 times applications ( ± 7 bbl / applications )- Age 5-12 mg 8 times applications ( ± 14 barrels / applications )3 . Spraying NASA POC to close the plant at a dose of 3-5 / tank at the age of 10 , 20 , then at 30 , 40 and 50 + HST NASA POC 1-2 doses Hormonik cover / tank .4 . Perempelan , leave at 2-3 main branches / production from the age of 15-30 hr .5 . Observations Mite and Disease
LIGADAUN.COM AGEN TARUHAN BOLA PIALA DUNIA 2014 CASINO TANGKAS POKER ONLINE TERBAIK TERBESAR DAN TERPERCAYA· Spodoptera litura / Worms grayak View next .· Fleas - to incur ( Aphis , Thrips , mites ) , see phase seedbed .· Wilt disease , caused some mushrooms among other Fusarium , and Rhizoctonia Phytium . Symptoms attack withered crops sudden , the leaves wither and fall . Crops withered and destroyed to reduce the spread , spread GLIO· Leaf spot disease , Cercospora capsici . This fungus attacks during the rainy season begins at the bottom of the old leaves . Symptom onset form of patches of various sizes with the center of the gray or white , sometimes the heart is torn or perforated . The leaves turn yellow and fall prematurely , living only fruit and twigs . As a result of being damaged because sunburn . Observations on older leaves .· Fruit Fly ( Dacus dorsalis ) , symptoms of the attack that was filled maggot will become porous because its content is consumed, the fruit often young or metamorphose fall . Holes were pembusuk easily allow bacteria to fruit rot in the wet . As Antraknose vector . Observations aimed at the foul chilli , collect and destroy . Fruit flies are monitored with active desiccant trap Methyl Eugenol 40 / ha· Disease Stinky Fruit Antraknosa ( Colletotrichum gloeosporioides ) , attack symptoms first spot blotch or spot - on rotting fruit widened and developed into color orange, gray or black . The center of the spots visible lines intertwined with black spores point . Heavy attack causes around the fruit dries . Observations were done in red and dark green . Fruits attacked collected and destroyed at harvest time are separated . Sebari heavy attack by GLIO under crops .
F. Phase harvest and postharvest1 . Harvest· The first harvest around the age of 60-75 days· Second Harvest and the next 2-3 days with a total harvest could reach 30-40 times or more depending on height and how budidayanya· After picking the 3rd sprayed with NASA POC + Hormonik and nurtured by the above comparison , a dose of 500 cc / ph
2 . How to harvest :· Fruit harvested is not too old ( ripening 80-90 % )· Good Harvest morning after the dew dried· Sorting is done since the land· Store in the shade3 . Observations Pests & Diseases· Collect and destroy fruit rotten / damaged

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Kamis, 24 April 2014


The next step after planting tillage is barking pondoh, which is implemented at the beginning of the rainy season is around the month of November. Because besides the cool air, also the availability of adequate water during the rainy season, so the fast-growing
PokerVoVo.com Agen Poker Domino Online Indonesia Judi Uang Asli plants barking pondoh well.

The things that need to be considered in planting seedlings pondoh barking is:
1. Planting time As already explained above, that the time for planting is a good pondoh barking at the start of the rainy season, which is around the month of November. At the moment there is enough water needed for the growth and growing breeding pondoh barking. In addition, also to save power watering, because the environment of the plant barking pondoh already soaked by rain water.
2. Amount of seed If seeds barking pondoh which is propagated from seed,, in each planting hole given 2 clumps, because we do not know what kind of calamine of each family of plants such pondoh barking. So in preparation for plants pondoh barking can be fruitful. However, if the seed plants derived from bi barking pondoh it slips, then for each planting hole only given one clump pondoh barking plant seeds, because sex parent previously known. How to salak seedlings pondoh:
a. Keluarka seedlings from plastic bags / polybag. b. Enter the planting hole that is already available. c. Piled the soil with fertilizer already bercaampur. d. Add stakes around the plants pondoh barking not to fall by the wind. e. Prune most of the leaves of approximately 75%, with the aim to reduce evaporation. f. Be careful in planting seedlings pondoh barking, do not get damaged roots because the plants will die. g. Do not mix varieties pondoh barking with each other. If mixed marriage would lead to cross, so that the fruits obtained are different from the parent plant or not as we expected.
Pondoh barking plant maintenance consists of the following activities:
1. Stitching Stitching is an activity to replace salak plant seeds that have been planted, usually occurs due to several reasons, namely: a. Pondoh barking plant seeds that have
PokerKiuKiu.com Agen Judi Poker dan Domino Uang Asli Indonesia sbeen planted dead. b. Pondoh barking plant seeds or slow their growth stunted / not the same as the others. c. Seeds of plants that do not fit diingiinkan barking, barking pondoh example comparison between the male and the female are not balanced. d. Plants can know the sex of the barking pondoh after flowering.

Kamis, 10 April 2014

Dystrybucja Collembola jest bardzo szeroki

Dystrybucja Collembola jest bardzo szeroki, ponieważ można je znaleźć w wielu różnych siedlisk, takich jak regiony polarne, pustynie, subtropikalnych i tropikalnych regionach (Greenslade 1996). Rozkład Collembola puszki za pomocą cząstek gleby i substancji organicznych, można również za pomocą wiatru lub wody. Rodzina Hypogastruridae można znaleźć zarówno w go88bet.com Agen Judi, Agen Judi Bola, Agen Bola Online, Agen SBObet Terpercaya  tropikach i strefie podzwrotnikowej. Chrematocephalus rodzaj, gatunek C. celebensis ma kosmopolityczny, obejmujące Japonia, Chiny, Sri Lanka, Indonezja, Papua, Nowa Brytania i Australia (Suhardjono 1992). Jednakże, istnieją pewne gatunki, które są charakterystyczne naziemnej Collembola, nawet wiadomo, że wysoki poziom endemizmu (Hopkin 1997). Przykłady Xenylla Handschin orientalis występuje tylko na wyspie Jawa (Suhardjono 1992 r.). Endemizm może wystąpić zarówno z powodu doboru naturalnego, takie jak istnienie naturalnej bariery w postaci morskich, właściwości gleby i jak spread (Suhardjono 1992). 2.1.6. Rola Collembola działać jako drapieżnych nicieni i grupy okrzemkowej (Suhardjono 1992 r.). Rola Collembola w cyklu spożywczym do rozkładu materii organicznej lub detritivor (Greenslade 1996; Hopkin 1997; Triplehorn & Johnson 2005) .. W Collembola uprawianych na glebie grzybów mikoryzowych i kontroli choroby w niektórych roślinach. W większości populacji niektórych Collembola pogrzebowe mikoryzowe symbionty korzeniowe mogą stymulować wzrost gospodarczy i zwiększyć wzrost upraw za. Collembola są ważne w stymulowaniu lub tłumić symbiozę drobnoustrojów wokół korzeni roślin (Hopkin 1997). 2.1.7. Różnorodność Collembola mieć różnorodność gatunkową powodując wysokie różnice w klasyfikacji skoczogonki. Niektórzy eksperci klasyfikują jako zlecenie klasy Collembola Hexapoda lub Insecta (Triplehorn & Johnson, 2005). Tymczasem inna grupa ekspertów klasyfikacji takson Collembola jako osobnej klasy z klasy owadów (Suhardjono 1992, Hopkins 1997; Greenslade 1996 r.). Określenie cech morfologicznych między Collembola i owadów wskazują różnice w zasadzie można oddzielić od klasy Insecta Collembola. Znaki te są różnice w segmenty nóg, klatki piersiowej i brzucha. Dodatkowo Collembola mieć rurę brzusznej, furkula, tenaculum i tylko oseli (Suhardjono 1992). Według Greenslade (1996) Collembola podzielony na trzy sub-zleceń, a Gudang303 Agen Bola Resmi Promo 100% SBOBET IBCBET Jelang Piala Dunia 2014 mianowicie Arthropleona, Symphypleona i Neelipleona. Arthropleona podrząd obejmuje gatunki, które mają wydłużone ciało, granicę pomiędzy klatką piersiową i brzuch jasny. Podczas pod-zamówienie kulisty Neelipleona Symphypleona i granica pomiędzy segmentami ciała jest mniej jasne.

Jumat, 04 April 2014

Sowing the seeds

Similarly denagn other systems, dense stocking of catfish ranged from 75 fish / m³. Seed weights approximately 80 grams. Pisciculture old cork to measure the consumption of approximately 6 months. Within 6 months, the fish will grow to a weight of approximately 700 grams per head.
If you have reached this size, the fish may be  KAISARBET.COM AGEN BOLA TERPERCAYA PIALA DUNIA 2014 harvested or be a parent to raise their offspring.

Hopefully this brief aertikel can add to your inspiration will start fish farming cork, you can also read other articles include: (click on it to read it yaa ...,)

Spawning Fish Farming Cork Stage
By way of Fish Farming Cork Insulation System
Land cultivation of eels with Potluck
Bawal Fish Farming with Swimming Sheeting

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