Description and Plant Morphology JUDI POKER, AGEN POKER, AGEN SITUS TARUHAN BANDAR JUDI POKER ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYAThe shrubs, annual, grows upright and has a height of approximately 3 m. Stems are round, woody, hard and less labih 9 cm in diameter, if the young stems are purple and white dirty after dark. The leaves are single, beringgit leaf edge, pointed tip, base obtuse,
10-16 cm in length, width 5-11 cm, light green leaves and green
(Syamsuhidayat, 1991).Flowers consist of 5 petals leaves protected by additional petals (epicalyx) so it looks like two layers of petals. Flower crown consists of 5 pieces or more if it is a hybrid. Pistil stalk long cylindrical stalk surrounded sari studded oval pollen. Seeds contained in a five-chambered capsule-shaped fruit (Anonymous, 2009a). Including
a single flower, trumpet shape, located in the armpit leaves,
bell-shaped petals, sharing five, yellowish green, the crown is composed
of fifteen to twenty petals, pink, stamens many, stalk red sari, yellow
anthers, pistil forms tube, and red flowers. The fruit is small, oval, about 4 mm in diameter, if Agen Judi Poker Online Terpercaya Indonesiaoung white and brown if it is old. Form of compressed and white beans. Riding roots and light brown (Syamsuhidayat, 1991).c. Regional distribution, habitat and cultivationThe hibiscus is a shrub originating from East Asia and widely grown as an ornamental plant in tropical and subtropical regions. The flowers are large, red and odorless. Flowers
of various cultivars and hybrids can be a single flower (petals layer)
or double flowers (petals layered) are white to yellow, orange to dark
red or pink (Anonymous, 2009a). This plant grows to a height of 1000-800 m above sea level. With annual rainfall of 1000 mm / year. Ambient air temperature range -27 ˚ 24 ˚ C, with moderate humidity and high radiation. Terms texture sandy clay, sandy clay, with a water depth of soil above 50 cm from the ground. This plant is propagated by cuttings and grafts. Planting is done by making a hole 30 cm x 30 cm x 30 cm, with a spacing of 3 mx 3 m (Santoso, 1998).d. Chemical constituentsThe leaves, flowers and roots of hibiscus flowers contain flavonoids. In addition, the leaves also contain saponins and polyphenols, flowers contain polyphenols (Syamsuhidayat, 1991). In particular, the leaves contain tarakseril acetate (Widjayakusuma et al., 1994), beta carotene (Duke, 2008). Containing
hibiscus tarakseril acetate, β-sitosterol, kampesterol, stigmasterol,
cholesterol, ergosterol, lipids, citric, tartaric acid, oxalic acid,
fructose, glucose, sucrose, hibiscetin, sianidin and glycosides
sianidin, alkanes (Kardono et al., 2003), quercetin (Duke, 2008). The
flowers contain polyphenols (Syamsuhidayat & Hutapea, 1991),
diglukosida sianidin (Widjayakusuma et al., 1994), ascorbic acid,
phosphorus, calcium, iron, fat, fiber, niacin, riboflavin is, thiamine,
and water (Duke, 2008), Puckhaber et al . (2002) reportBUNDAPOKER.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA ed the major flavonoid aglycone contents in fresh hibiscus flowers, quercetin and sianidin. Its roots contain tannins and saponins (Syamsuhidayat, 1991). Ethanolic extract of hibiscus flower contains alkaloids (Septyna, 2009).e. Property
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