Kamis, 24 April 2014


The next step after planting tillage is barking pondoh, which is implemented at the beginning of the rainy season is around the month of November. Because besides the cool air, also the availability of adequate water during the rainy season, so the fast-growing
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The things that need to be considered in planting seedlings pondoh barking is:
1. Planting time As already explained above, that the time for planting is a good pondoh barking at the start of the rainy season, which is around the month of November. At the moment there is enough water needed for the growth and growing breeding pondoh barking. In addition, also to save power watering, because the environment of the plant barking pondoh already soaked by rain water.
2. Amount of seed If seeds barking pondoh which is propagated from seed,, in each planting hole given 2 clumps, because we do not know what kind of calamine of each family of plants such pondoh barking. So in preparation for plants pondoh barking can be fruitful. However, if the seed plants derived from bi barking pondoh it slips, then for each planting hole only given one clump pondoh barking plant seeds, because sex parent previously known. How to salak seedlings pondoh:
a. Keluarka seedlings from plastic bags / polybag. b. Enter the planting hole that is already available. c. Piled the soil with fertilizer already bercaampur. d. Add stakes around the plants pondoh barking not to fall by the wind. e. Prune most of the leaves of approximately 75%, with the aim to reduce evaporation. f. Be careful in planting seedlings pondoh barking, do not get damaged roots because the plants will die. g. Do not mix varieties pondoh barking with each other. If mixed marriage would lead to cross, so that the fruits obtained are different from the parent plant or not as we expected.
Pondoh barking plant maintenance consists of the following activities:
1. Stitching Stitching is an activity to replace salak plant seeds that have been planted, usually occurs due to several reasons, namely: a. Pondoh barking plant seeds that have
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