Minggu, 16 Maret 2014

The Aztecs in South America has also implemented Hydroponics

The Aztecs in South America has also implemented Hydroponics . They planted crops on a raft formed of knitted roots and stems ( chinampa ) over Lake Tenachtitlan . This lake contains nourishing nutrients .3 . In 1699, John Woodward experimented with Mint plants and found that plants grow better when compared to the muddy water flowing clear water . With this , it is known that plants require nutrients brought mud . In 1929 , William Frederick Gericke of the University of California claim to grow tomatoes as high as 2 meters full of fruit using mineral nutrient solution through the book The Complete Guide to Soilless Gardening . In Bintaro Xchange Mall  1937 , the way it is called hydroponics . Around 1970 , hydroponics began to be used for practice at the University of Gajah Mada .4 . Hydroponic planting medium should be clean , can store water temporarily , porous ( porous ) , free of nutrients . Because the media should be able to function as a place to store water and nutrients while the roots beachhead , for nutrient needs nutrients supplied from splashed water .5 . Fertilizer is given in the form of a solution and should contain the macro elements ( Nitrogen Phosphorus , Potassium , Calcium , Magnesium and Sulfur ) and micro elements ( Manganese , Copper , Boron , Zinc and Molibdin ) . Solution of its own fertilizer can be mixed with a certain dose according to the needs of the plants . Materials commonly used include ammonium sulphate , potassium nitrate , monocalsium phosphate , magnesium sulfate , iron sulfate , manganese sulfate , boric acid powder , zinc sulphate and copper sulphate . If a more practical use of nutrients has become like Excell with dosage has been listed on the packaging .6 . Generally, plants grown hydroponically are horticulture ( vegetables , fruits , drugs ) because the stem is not too big and heavy . Generally a quick harvest crops ( 1 month after transplanting ) .7 . Examples of vegetables are usually grown hydroponically : Celery Lettuce Spinach Collards Kale8 . Examples of fruit typically grown hydroponically : Tomato Cucumber Melon Watermelon Strawberry Starfruit Chili Peppers9 . Examples of ornamental plants are usually grown in hydroponics : Orchid Philodendron Dracaena Aglonema sphatiphyllum10 . Ordinary Plants Plant Hydroponics11 . Water Systems Water Systems Passive Passive hydroponics is the simplest type . This system is a passive system , the water is not moving . Nutritious water soak the growing media ( flushing directly into the planting medium ) System soak soak In the system , the plants are usually plugged in Styrofoam and floats directly on the surface of the nutrient solution . An air pump provides air through air stones that make a lot of air bubbles in the nutrient solution and provide oxygen to the plant roots .
Mall di Jakarta12 . Tidal Systems ( Ebb and Flow / Flood and Drain ) System Tidal work by pumping nutrient solution into the growing media . Then , when the nutrient solution reaches a certain height will flow back down . Then pumped back , and so on . Sometimes it is also equipped with a timer . Drip Irrigation Systems Drip Irrigation System On , timer controls the water pump . Timer turned on the pump and dripping nutrient solution per plant at the center of a small dropper hose . In a closed system , the excess nutrient solution flows will be accommodated back into the reservoir to be reused . For open systems solution excessive nutrients are not absorbed back .13 . NFT systems ( Nutrient Film Technique) NFT system has a constant flow of nutrient solution , so they no longer needed a timer to turn the pump rendamnya . Nutrient solution is pumped into the container growth ( usually tubular ) then flows through a very thin along the pipeline . Plant roots take up the nutrients in it dangle from the nutrient flow .14 . 1 . Higher crop production compared to using regular soil growing media . 2 . More assured freedom from pests and diseases of plants . For example : caterpillar soil , subterranean termites , bacteria Burkholderia pseudomallei 3 . Plants grow faster and more efficient use of fertilizer . 4 . If there are plants that die , may be replaced with new plants with ease . 5 . Plants will deliver sustainable results 6 . Standardized work methods , better facilitate the work and does not require manual labor . 7 . Plants can grow in places that should not be suitable for plants in question ( eg, barren land ) .15 . • The solution must be balanced nutrients . • The treatment is quite expensive • Only certain special crops16 . How to Implement Hydroponics 1 . Preparing Growing Media Media planting of rice husk , rockwoll , or other instruments prepared along with irrigation systems .17 . 2 . Seeding Seeds sown in jiffy - 7 medium or charcoal husk . When the seedlings are from ordinary soil , seeds and soil taken carefully cleaned .18 . 3 . Weaning plants about 2 weeks old moved into a small pot with the media . When the seedlings come from the ground and has been cleaned , fertilizer should not be used for healing injured roots . Then given nutrients every morning and afternoon . Sometimes , growers argue this step is not necessary . Usually done for plants grown significantly to climate change .19 . 4 . Planting Seeds of small pots transferred into large pots for hydroponics . At this time needs to be carried out by spraying with plain water for 2-3 weeks to keep plants moist before applying water with nutrients . Generally, plants grown Hotel Murah Di Jakarta in greenhouses .20 . 5 . Maintenance a. Generally hydroponic watering system has an automatic watering system pumping through the pipes . But if not , wat

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