*: Papers Management of Soil Fertility, Plant Science Program, Master Program (S2), Graduate School, University of Sriwijaya. Palembang, South Sumatra Province, Indonesia.
**: Plant Science Program, Master Program (S2), Graduate School, University of Sriwijaya. Palembang, South Sumatra Province, Indonesia.
***: Course Lecturer Soil Fertility Management, Plant Science Program, Master Program (S2), Graduate School, University of Sriwijaya. Palembang, South Sumatra Province, Indonesia.
(Part 2 of 5 Posts)
II. Problems In Peat Soil
In the peat soil management for agriculture, which must first be considered is the dynamics and physical properties of peat soil chemistry, among other things (1) the dynamic nature of soil acidity associated with the control of organic acids poison, and (2) the dynamics of fertility ground with respect to the availability of macro and micro nutrients needed by plants are cultivated (3) peat fires and (4) water regulation on peatland plant as needed.
· Peat Soil Properties
Among the important properties of peat soils in the tropics are: the building blocks derived from various woods, in the flooded state, the nature of shrinking and subsidence (subsidence of peat) for drainage, not dry behind, very low pH and low soil fertility status . The development of agriculture is very limited by some of the above (Andriesse, 1988).
A. Physical Properties
Physical properties of peat is closely associated with Mall di Jakartathe management of peat water. Building blocks of peat consists of four components: organic matter, minerals, water and air. Changes in water content due to the reclamation of peat will also alter other physical properties (Andriesse, 1988). Considering the physical properties of peat soil interconnected discussion of the physical properties of the peat soil can not be done separately. A description of the physical properties of the peat will dihubungankan with the chemical properties of these soils. An understanding of the physical properties would be very useful in determining the utilization of peat strategy.
According Hardjowigeno (1996) Physical properties of peat soil which is important: the level of decomposition of peat soils; bulk density, irreversible and subsidence. Noor (2001) adds that the thickness of the peat, the bottom layer, and a moisture content of peat are physical properties that need attention in the use of peat.
Based on the level of weathering (decomposition) of peat soil can be divided into: (1) coarse peat (Fibrist) ie peat that has more than two thirds organk coarse materials, (2) peat medium (Hemist) has a material 1/3-2/3 coarse organic, and (3) fine peat (Saprist) if the coarse organic matter is less than 1/3. Coarse peat has high porosity, high water holding power, but still nutrients in organic form and difficult available for plants. Coarse peat shrinkage big easy if the land is reclaimed. Peat has a delicate nutrient availability have higher bulk density greater than coarse peat (Hardjowigeno, 1996).
Peat soil has a bulk density (bulk density) is very low at less than 0.1 g / cc for coarse peat, and about 0.2 g / cc in fine turf. Compared with mineral soil that has a bulk density of 1.2 g / cc, the bulk density of peat is very low. The low bulk density causes the bearing capacity of peat (bearing capasity) becomes very low, this puts rebahnya perennial crops such as coconut and palm oil on peat soil.
The drainage of peat soils if in excess will be dry and drought is referred to as irreversible peat peat dries meaning will not be able to absorb water again. Change into dry peat is not behind this caused that likes water (hydrophilic) turn out to be not like water (hydrophobic) due to drought, resulting in the ability to absorb water decreases so that the peat peat difficult cultivated for agriculture. Reduced ability to absorb water causing peat volume shrinks and decreases the peat surface (flat). Improved drainage will cause water to come out of the peat then entered into oxygen and organic matter increases the activity of microorganisms, resulting in decomposition of organic matter and peat will experience shrinkage (subsidence) so that the peat surface decreased.
The moisture content of peat (peat moisture) is determined by the maturity of peat. In the natural peat peat very high moisture levels reach 500-1,000% weight, while the decayed weights ranged between 200-600%. Fibrik peat moisture levels greater than peat hemik and Saprik. Ability to absorb water peat peat fibrik greater than sapris and hemist, but the ability to hold water fibris weaker than peat hemik and saprist (Noor, 2001). The high ability of peat to absorb water resulting in high pore volume of peat, resulting in low bulk density and carrying capacity of peat (Mutalib et al, 1991).
Peat accumulation will cause a varying thickness of peat in an area. Generally peat will form a dome (dome), the closer to the river peat thickness thinning, thickening towards the peat dome, in West Kalimantan peat domes in the River Congratulations to reach 8 m, demikianpula on Rasau Jaya area. Peat thickness is closely related to soil fertility. Thin edge of the peat dome and has a relatively good fertility (peat topogen) was in the middle of a thick peat dome> 3m has a relatively low fertility (peat ombrogen) (Andriesse, 1988; Harjowigeno, 1996).
The bottom layer can be a layer of peat marine clay or sand. Peat above the quartz sand has a relatively low fertility, if the eroded peat layers, shrink and disappear it would appear that a very poor sandy soil. Marine clay soil layer commonly contains pyrite (FeS2), the waterlogged conditions (anaerobic) pyrite will not be harmful but if excessively drained and oxidized pyrite it will form sulfuric acid and iron compounds that are harmful to plants. Memningkat pH soil acidity will be 2-3 so that the crops will be poisoned and stunted growth and low yield.
Tropical peat is generally reddish brown to dark brown (dark) depending on the stage of decomposition. High water content and water holding capacity of 15-30 times the dry weight, low bulk density (0.05 to 0.4 g/cm3) and total porosity between 75-95% to the limited use of agricultural machinery and the selection of commodities be commercialized (WIIFM and Melling, 2000)
For example in Malaysia, three main commodities, namely oil palm, rubber and coconut are likely skewed growth even collapse as a result of soil the roots do not have a strong foothold (Singh et al, 1986). Peat has a carrying capacity or power pivot low because of low soil density. As a result, the tree that grows into a simple fall, barely passable road vehicles, and difficult disawahkan (except peat with a depth of less than 75 cm). Peat thickness made it difficult and not suitable for rice in wet conditions, it would be difficult trodden and very nutrient poor. Therefore, thick peat should not be used as agricultural land / paddy.
Penurunaan occur after drainage of peat, peat soil surface will decrease due to the maturation of peat and reduced water content. The average speed of the decline is from 0.3 to 0.8 cm / month, and generally occurs during the 3-4 years after drainage and tillage. The thicker the peat, the decrease in the faster and longer. Such properties of peat resulted in a puddle, tree felling, and building construction (bridges, roads, drainage channels) disturbed or sinkhole.
Peat degradation issues addressed in the following way: planting annual crops planting crops preceded by at least three seasons, and compaction before planting annual crops.
Some tips to Kontes SEO 2014 overcome the fulcrum of power and a low carrying capacity of peat are:
1. Cultivation of annual crops on land only by the thickness of the peat <>
2. Do peat compaction before planting. Compaction can be done using a simple tool that is made from logs that rolled Dapa (Figure 3), ata using a mechanical compactor used to compact the soil in the road;
3. Peat with a thickness of more than 75 cm laid out with a system moor.
To overcome the problem of the content of organic acids are toxic drainage is usually done by creating a drainage channel or channel intensive worms. Ameliorant material is a material that is able to repair or fix the physical condition and fertility of the soil. Some examples of materials which often digunaka ameliorant is lime, mineral soil, manure, compost, and ash.
B. Chemical properties
The thickness of the organic horizon, subsoil properties and frequency of flood waters affecting the chemical composition of the peat. On peat soils which often gets overflow, the more mineral content so that relatively more fertile soil.
Fertility peat varies from very poor to very fertile. Thin peat formed above the sediment clay or loam marin generally more fertile than in the peat (Adhi Widjaya, 1988). On the basis of fertility of peat peat distinguished fertile (eutrophic), peat medium (mesotropik) and peat poor (oligotrophic).
In general, peat soil acidity ranged between 3-5 and the thicker the organic material increases the acidity of peat. Peat beach has a lower acidity of peat hinterland. Conditions are very acidic peat soil will cause kekahatan of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Bo and Mo. Nutrients Cu, and Zn is Bo micro elements that are often lacking (Wong et al, 1986, in Mutalib et al, 1991). Cu Kekahatan often occurs in maize, cassava and palm oil grown on peat soil.
Ombrogen peat land with thick peat domes generally have low fertility with a pH of about 3.3, but the thin peat in the area near the river bank the more fertile peat and the pH range 4.3 (Andriesse, 1988). Peat soil acidity caused by acid content of organic acids contained in peat colloids. Decomposition of organic matter in anaerobic conditions led to the formation of phenolic and carboxylic compounds that cause high acidity of peat. Besides the formation of phenolic and carboxylic compounds can poison crops (Sabiham, 1996). If the bottom layer of soil containing pyrite, creation of drainage ditches with depths reaching layer will cause pyrite oxidized pyrite and cause increased acidity of peat and water drainage canals.
Relationship with the thickness of the peat peat chemical properties and fertility are presented in Table 3. Peat soil cation exchange capacity (CEC) is very high (90-200 me/100 g) but base saturation (KB) is very low, this leads to the availability of nutrients, especially K, Ca, and Mg to be very low.
KB peat should be increased in order to achieve 25-30% swapped bases can be utilized crops (Team Faculty of Agriculture, IPB, 1986; Hardjowigeno, 1996, and Sagiman, 2001). C / N is generally very high peat melibihi 30, this means less nutrient nitrogen available to plants even though the total N analysis results showed a high rate. P element contained in the peat soil in the form of organic P and less available to plants. P fertilizer with quickly available fertilizer will cause the phosphate ions easily leached and reduce the availability of P for plants. The addition of iron can reduce P leaching (Soewono, 1997) P leaching field can be reduced by adding iron-rich Agen Judi, Agen Judi Bola, Agen Bola Online, Agen SBObet Terpercaya mineral soil and Al (Salampak, 1999).
Everret (1983) suggested that the cationic exchange capacity (CEC) of peat soil is generally very high, usually more than 100 cmol kg-1 soil. CEC of peat soils in the highlands Anai including high and very high, ie between 35.1 to 65.6 cmol kg-1 soil. The data in plain peat soil CEC Anai samples taken from several profiles.
Base saturation value (M) is the percentage of the total cation exchange capacity occupied by base cations such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium. KB value is closely related to soil pH and fertility levels.
Acidity will decrease and soil fertility will increase with increasing family planning. The rate of release of cations adsorbed to the plants rely on a ground-level family planning. A land said to be very fertile if KB is larger than 80%, moderate fertility if its KB ranged from 50% to 80%, and said to be infertile if his KB less than 50% (Tan, 1993).
Follow-up problem that has been solved peat is an attempt to use fertilizers to improve soil fertility (macro and micro) and ameliorant materials. Micro fertilizer used on peat soil to a depth of more than 1 m. (Prasad, 1996), liming to raise soil pH (Mawardi et al, 1997), and application of microbial organic material rot (Poeloengan et al, 1995).
The results of the study Mawardi et al, (1997) showed that ameliorant materials can neutralize organic acids that are poison, increasing pH, and improve plant growth and production.
According Sastrosupadi et al, (1992) Calcification can increase soil pH, neutralize Al, and increase the availability of P to plants. The low pH and the amount of buffering capacity of peat soil caused a lot of lime required for each unit increase in pH.
From the results of one study concluded that agricultural activities contribute significantly to the destruction of ecosystems peat is peat land clearing activities by way of fuel. Peatland clearance by way of fuel, the damage they cause significant peat.
In addition, the use of chemical fertilizers with high doses may damage soil structure and cause pollution, both on agricultural land and the environment, causing a slump in land productivity.
Agriculture which only relies on the use of chemical fertilizers, in addition to providing a positive impact on increasing production, also had a negative impact in the form of land degradation and waste of energy. In this era of globalization and the environment, agriculture development orientation geared to increase production in a sustainable manner (maintaining soil quality and the environment) premises ways to improve soil fertility using natural resources such as agricultural waste recycling so that the use of chemical fertilizers can be reduced.
Alternatives maintain and improve soil fertility and avoid the negative impacts of peat ash of burnt peat and use of chemical fertilizers, among others, by combining the use of agricultural wastes as ameliorant and adaptive planting varieties and utilization of organic fertilizer. Making ash as a farmer ameliorant done in conjunction with the dry season, that is by burning peat in time to clear the land of Hosting Murah Berkualitas weeds and shrubs. The high price of fertilizer led to farmers' dependence on fuel from peat ash higher.
The main obstacles encountered in the development of agriculture in the tidal area (peat) is the presence of a thick peat layer and a layer of pyrite (FeS02). Peat has distinctive properties, ie properties not dry behind (irreversible drying) and carrying a large water retention (Driessen and Soepraptohardjo, 1974). While the mineral pyrite is a marine sediment formed in water-saturated soil, rich in organic matter and enriched by soluble sulfates from the sea. Pyrite has a unique nature and depend on the state of the water (Van Breemen and Pons, 1978). In the water-saturated state of pyrite is stable and harmless, but in the dry state or excessive drainage of the pyrite becomes unstable and easily oxidized. Pyrite oxidation will cause soil acidification due to be followed by the release of iron ions and sulfate ions, will further destroy the structure of clay minerals thereby increasing the acidity, iron, dissolved aluminum in the soil.
In the context of peatland conservation efforts to prevent land degradation is how to maintain the peat layer at the boundary between 25-50 cm dependent farming systems developed and prevent excessive oxidation of pyrite. The results of the mapping large areas of peatland in Kalimantan, including the area of peatland development (PLG) million acres are in the pyrite-rich marine sediments at depths that vary between 25-100 cm. Therefore, shrinkage or loss of the upper layer (peat) can cause soil acidification and contamination of the environment. In addition, with the increasing peat shrinkage can lead to disruption of the water system in order peat because peat properties are great in storing water that is between 200-800% weight (Nugroho et al., 1997).
Peatlands are derived from the land and its vegetation peat formation contained thereon is formed in areas of low topography and high rainfall or in areas where the temperature is very low. Peat soils have a high organic matter content (> 12% C. The carbon) and a minimum depth of 50 cm peat. Peat soils are classified as Histosol in the system
Classification FAO UNESCO (1994), namely that contain organic matter is higher than 30 percent, in a layer 40 cm or more thick, the top section 80 cm soil profile. Peat is a natural resource that has many uses, among others, for the cultivation of agricultural crops and forestry, and aquaculture, as well as can be used for fuel, media seeding, soil amelioration and to absorb environmental contaminants.
C. Nature of Biology
According to Waksman in Andriesse (1988) overhaul during the formation of peat organic matter carried by anaerobic microorganisms in this reshuffle produced methane and sulfide gas. After the peat drained for agricultural purposes then part peat soil surface conditions become aerobic, thus allowing fungi and bacteria evolved to break down cellulose compounds, hemisellulosa, and proteins. Tropical peat is generally composed of wood so that many contain lignin, a bacterium commonly found in tropical peat is Pseudomonas addition to white mold and fungi Penecilium (Suryanto, 1991). Pseudomonas is a bacterium that is able to remodel lignin (Alexander, 1977). Research on the decomposition of peat in Palangkaraya showed that surface decomposition of peat is mainly caused by aerobic decomposition performed by fungi (Moore and Shearer, 1997).
On how research on peatland Jawai (Sambas district) and Jangkang (Kab Pontianak) can be isolated bacterium Bradyrhizobium japonicum that can be used to improve soybean yield in peat. Soy is a plant very much need the nitrogen, 40-80 percent of the nitrogen can be supplied through a symbiotic soybean and soybean root nodule bacteria (B. japonicum). Peat has a low N availability. Inoculation of B Bisnis Investasi Online Sebagai Lowongan Kerja, Dan Peluang Usaha Murah japonicum origin Jawai and effective Jangkang can increase N content and yield of soybean (Sagiman and Anas. 2005).
D. Water System Settings On Peat Soil
Marginal land such as peat land into productive land can be improved by applying appropriate technologies. Peatlands are characterized by a high content of organic matter, high soil acidity, but has a macro and micro nutrient availability is very low. Additionally path rainy season water-logging will occur and the path will dry season drought, so water management becomes an absolute necessity (Yardha, et a1, 1998; Joseph, et a1, 1999).
· Source of Water in Peatlands
As one of the types of wetlands, the presence of water in the peat is strongly influenced by the presence of rain and tidal / river flood water. The behavior of both high and will affect the long pool of water in peatlands and will ultimately affect the level of soil fertility and crop patterns to be applied on it. Peatlands are often receiving the overflow of river water is relatively more fertile than peatland merely accept runoff / rainfall. The nature of flood / water tidal reach of the river that can reach peatlands can be handled to overcome the obstacles of agriculture on peatlands, eg for washing the toxic substances or strong acids derived from the oxidation of pyrite and regulate the presence of water so that the plants can grow well.
· Technology of Water Management in Peat Moss
Water management in peatlands aims to regulate the use of water resources optimally so that the results obtained / maximum land productivity, and simultaneously maintain the sustainability of the land resource. One of the techniques of water management in peatlands can be done by making the trench / channel, with the aim of:
1. Controlling the presence of water in the peat soil in accordance with the needs of the plants to be cultivated. Meaning: peat does not become dry in the dry season, but also not flooded in the rainy season. It can thus be achieved by making the floodgate (flapgate) that can regulate water levels at the same peat soils hold water that comes out of the land;
2. Washing the organic acids and inorganic as well as other compounds that are toxic to plants and insert (supply) of fresh water to provide oxygen;
3. LigaTaruhan Agen Bola, Agen Sbobet, Agen Ibcbet, Agen 338A TerpercayaUtilizing the presence of water in the channel as a medium fish farming, cultivation of both active (where the fish seed sown in the channel) and the cultivation of passive (where the trench / channel digunaan as fish traps in the vicinity when the river overflowed).
Besides the existence of water in the ditch will serve as firebreaks to prevent the occurrence of fires in peat; panen.Lahan results as a means of transportation is one type of peat swamp land that is always saturated or stagnant water, such conditions make it difficult to develop peatlands as agricultural land. One of the key success factors of agricultural development on peat lands, in addition to increasing fertility is controlling the water level in it so that the peat kept moist but not flooded during the wet season and dry in the dry season. Setting the proper water level is also intended to toxic materials leaching process runs smoothly so as to create a good growing medium for plants.
Some water management techniques which have been developed in wetlands (including peat), among others:
(1) System trench / Handil on the banks of the river, and
(2) The system model of fork channels in tidal land
(Developed by the University of Gajah Mada).
Both of these systems have the disadvantage that the flow of water into or out of the plot of peat (at the time pasang-surut/luapan progress) occurs in the same channel, and the channel is often the case silting caused by river silt. These conditions lead to blockage of the channel so that the water turnover in the ongoing plot of land is not perfect, as a result of toxic materials and also compounds accumulate acid / accumulated in the channel and cause the water quality to be ugly. The above conditions can be overcome by lifting / throwing sediment from the channel or separate channel incoming water / irrigation (inlet) out with water / drainage (outlet).
1. Trench system / Handil by the river
Farm management system with trench / Handil this, since time immemorial has been developed by farmers in the interior of Borneo peat. Trench made from the leading edge of the river perpendicular to the direction of the mainland, on left and right ditch-made dike embankment which is generally used as a road as well as land ownership boundaries. Trenches can be seen as a secondary channel when the river is seen as the primary channel. Trenches made gradually and aligned with the changing conditions of land, tidal influence (depth of the water table) and the thickness of the peat. Application of the trench system usually begins with the clearing business (reclamation) with pioneering and cutting / felling large trees.
This work is done in groups and gradually and starting from the edge of the river perpendicular towards the interior. Trench system / Handil characterized by:
1. Land farming is generally within 0.5 to 4 km from the river bank inland, or up to a maximum thickness of 1 meter of peat;
2. At the edge of the embankment of the river is usually not made, because there is a river embankment that formed naturally so that when the river tide or flood, flood water will be retained in the business area and inundation caused limited;
3. Trenches are usually made double, first as a drainage channel (discharge) when the water receded and the second as irrigation (irrigating) Bisnis Online Sederhana Hasil Dahsyat Modal Hemat
if the tide. The flow of water in the ditch was a two-way or two-sided;
4. To maintain the presence of water on land / plots, then the dignity fitted trench to prevent the escape of water during low tide but when the tide water can easily fit in the plot;
5. To prevent the trench is not clogged by silt, it is necessary to removal / disposal of sludge regularly once every month;
6. The width of the trench / Handil measuring 5 meters and narrowing upstream ditch. On the right and left of the trench made dykes / bunds for growing fruits which serves as a reinforcement of embankments to prevent landslides. On top of this embankment, also can be made of the lodges;
*: Papers Management of Soil Fertility, Plant Science Program, Master Program (S2), Graduate School, University of Sriwijaya. Palembang, South Sumatra Province, Indonesia.
**: Plant Science Program, Master Program (S2), Graduate School, University of Sriwijaya. Palembang, South Sumatra Province, Indonesia.
***: Course Lecturer Soil Fertility Management, Plant Science Program, Master Program (S2), Graduate School, University of Sriwijaya. Palembang, South Sumatra Province, Indonesia.
(Part 2 of 5 Posts)
II. Problems In Peat Soil
In the peat soil management for agriculture, which must first be considered is the dynamics and physical properties of peat soil chemistry, among other things (1) the dynamic nature of soil acidity associated with the control of organic acids poison, and (2) the dynamics of fertility ground with respect to the availability of macro and micro nutrients needed by plants are cultivated (3) peat fires and (4) water regulation on peatland plant as needed.
· Peat Soil Properties
Among the important properties of peat soils in the tropics are: the building blocks derived from various woods, in the flooded state, the nature of shrinking and subsidence (subsidence of peat) for drainage, not dry behind, very low pH and low soil fertility status . The development of agriculture is very limited by some of the above (Andriesse, 1988).
A. Physical Properties
Physical properties of peat is closely associated with Mall di Jakartathe management of peat water. Building blocks of peat consists of four components: organic matter, minerals, water and air. Changes in water content due to the reclamation of peat will also alter other physical properties (Andriesse, 1988). Considering the physical properties of peat soil interconnected discussion of the physical properties of the peat soil can not be done separately. A description of the physical properties of the peat will dihubungankan with the chemical properties of these soils. An understanding of the physical properties would be very useful in determining the utilization of peat strategy.
According Hardjowigeno (1996) Physical properties of peat soil which is important: the level of decomposition of peat soils; bulk density, irreversible and subsidence. Noor (2001) adds that the thickness of the peat, the bottom layer, and a moisture content of peat are physical properties that need attention in the use of peat.
Based on the level of weathering (decomposition) of peat soil can be divided into: (1) coarse peat (Fibrist) ie peat that has more than two thirds organk coarse materials, (2) peat medium (Hemist) has a material 1/3-2/3 coarse organic, and (3) fine peat (Saprist) if the coarse organic matter is less than 1/3. Coarse peat has high porosity, high water holding power, but still nutrients in organic form and difficult available for plants. Coarse peat shrinkage big easy if the land is reclaimed. Peat has a delicate nutrient availability have higher bulk density greater than coarse peat (Hardjowigeno, 1996).
Peat soil has a bulk density (bulk density) is very low at less than 0.1 g / cc for coarse peat, and about 0.2 g / cc in fine turf. Compared with mineral soil that has a bulk density of 1.2 g / cc, the bulk density of peat is very low. The low bulk density causes the bearing capacity of peat (bearing capasity) becomes very low, this puts rebahnya perennial crops such as coconut and palm oil on peat soil.
The drainage of peat soils if in excess will be dry and drought is referred to as irreversible peat peat dries meaning will not be able to absorb water again. Change into dry peat is not behind this caused that likes water (hydrophilic) turn out to be not like water (hydrophobic) due to drought, resulting in the ability to absorb water decreases so that the peat peat difficult cultivated for agriculture. Reduced ability to absorb water causing peat volume shrinks and decreases the peat surface (flat). Improved drainage will cause water to come out of the peat then entered into oxygen and organic matter increases the activity of microorganisms, resulting in decomposition of organic matter and peat will experience shrinkage (subsidence) so that the peat surface decreased.
The moisture content of peat (peat moisture) is determined by the maturity of peat. In the natural peat peat very high moisture levels reach 500-1,000% weight, while the decayed weights ranged between 200-600%. Fibrik peat moisture levels greater than peat hemik and Saprik. Ability to absorb water peat peat fibrik greater than sapris and hemist, but the ability to hold water fibris weaker than peat hemik and saprist (Noor, 2001). The high ability of peat to absorb water resulting in high pore volume of peat, resulting in low bulk density and carrying capacity of peat (Mutalib et al, 1991).
Peat accumulation will cause a varying thickness of peat in an area. Generally peat will form a dome (dome), the closer to the river peat thickness thinning, thickening towards the peat dome, in West Kalimantan peat domes in the River Congratulations to reach 8 m, demikianpula on Rasau Jaya area. Peat thickness is closely related to soil fertility. Thin edge of the peat dome and has a relatively good fertility (peat topogen) was in the middle of a thick peat dome> 3m has a relatively low fertility (peat ombrogen) (Andriesse, 1988; Harjowigeno, 1996).
The bottom layer can be a layer of peat marine clay or sand. Peat above the quartz sand has a relatively low fertility, if the eroded peat layers, shrink and disappear it would appear that a very poor sandy soil. Marine clay soil layer commonly contains pyrite (FeS2), the waterlogged conditions (anaerobic) pyrite will not be harmful but if excessively drained and oxidized pyrite it will form sulfuric acid and iron compounds that are harmful to plants. Memningkat pH soil acidity will be 2-3 so that the crops will be poisoned and stunted growth and low yield.
Tropical peat is generally reddish brown to dark brown (dark) depending on the stage of decomposition. High water content and water holding capacity of 15-30 times the dry weight, low bulk density (0.05 to 0.4 g/cm3) and total porosity between 75-95% to the limited use of agricultural machinery and the selection of commodities be commercialized (WIIFM and Melling, 2000)
For example in Malaysia, three main commodities, namely oil palm, rubber and coconut are likely skewed growth even collapse as a result of soil the roots do not have a strong foothold (Singh et al, 1986). Peat has a carrying capacity or power pivot low because of low soil density. As a result, the tree that grows into a simple fall, barely passable road vehicles, and difficult disawahkan (except peat with a depth of less than 75 cm). Peat thickness made it difficult and not suitable for rice in wet conditions, it would be difficult trodden and very nutrient poor. Therefore, thick peat should not be used as agricultural land / paddy.
Penurunaan occur after drainage of peat, peat soil surface will decrease due to the maturation of peat and reduced water content. The average speed of the decline is from 0.3 to 0.8 cm / month, and generally occurs during the 3-4 years after drainage and tillage. The thicker the peat, the decrease in the faster and longer. Such properties of peat resulted in a puddle, tree felling, and building construction (bridges, roads, drainage channels) disturbed or sinkhole.
Peat degradation issues addressed in the following way: planting annual crops planting crops preceded by at least three seasons, and compaction before planting annual crops.
Some tips to Kontes SEO 2014 overcome the fulcrum of power and a low carrying capacity of peat are:
1. Cultivation of annual crops on land only by the thickness of the peat <>
2. Do peat compaction before planting. Compaction can be done using a simple tool that is made from logs that rolled Dapa (Figure 3), ata using a mechanical compactor used to compact the soil in the road;
3. Peat with a thickness of more than 75 cm laid out with a system moor.
To overcome the problem of the content of organic acids are toxic drainage is usually done by creating a drainage channel or channel intensive worms. Ameliorant material is a material that is able to repair or fix the physical condition and fertility of the soil. Some examples of materials which often digunaka ameliorant is lime, mineral soil, manure, compost, and ash.
B. Chemical properties
The thickness of the organic horizon, subsoil properties and frequency of flood waters affecting the chemical composition of the peat. On peat soils which often gets overflow, the more mineral content so that relatively more fertile soil.
Fertility peat varies from very poor to very fertile. Thin peat formed above the sediment clay or loam marin generally more fertile than in the peat (Adhi Widjaya, 1988). On the basis of fertility of peat peat distinguished fertile (eutrophic), peat medium (mesotropik) and peat poor (oligotrophic).
In general, peat soil acidity ranged between 3-5 and the thicker the organic material increases the acidity of peat. Peat beach has a lower acidity of peat hinterland. Conditions are very acidic peat soil will cause kekahatan of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Bo and Mo. Nutrients Cu, and Zn is Bo micro elements that are often lacking (Wong et al, 1986, in Mutalib et al, 1991). Cu Kekahatan often occurs in maize, cassava and palm oil grown on peat soil.
Ombrogen peat land with thick peat domes generally have low fertility with a pH of about 3.3, but the thin peat in the area near the river bank the more fertile peat and the pH range 4.3 (Andriesse, 1988). Peat soil acidity caused by acid content of organic acids contained in peat colloids. Decomposition of organic matter in anaerobic conditions led to the formation of phenolic and carboxylic compounds that cause high acidity of peat. Besides the formation of phenolic and carboxylic compounds can poison crops (Sabiham, 1996). If the bottom layer of soil containing pyrite, creation of drainage ditches with depths reaching layer will cause pyrite oxidized pyrite and cause increased acidity of peat and water drainage canals.
Relationship with the thickness of the peat peat chemical properties and fertility are presented in Table 3. Peat soil cation exchange capacity (CEC) is very high (90-200 me/100 g) but base saturation (KB) is very low, this leads to the availability of nutrients, especially K, Ca, and Mg to be very low.
KB peat should be increased in order to achieve 25-30% swapped bases can be utilized crops (Team Faculty of Agriculture, IPB, 1986; Hardjowigeno, 1996, and Sagiman, 2001). C / N is generally very high peat melibihi 30, this means less nutrient nitrogen available to plants even though the total N analysis results showed a high rate. P element contained in the peat soil in the form of organic P and less available to plants. P fertilizer with quickly available fertilizer will cause the phosphate ions easily leached and reduce the availability of P for plants. The addition of iron can reduce P leaching (Soewono, 1997) P leaching field can be reduced by adding iron-rich Agen Judi, Agen Judi Bola, Agen Bola Online, Agen SBObet Terpercaya mineral soil and Al (Salampak, 1999).
Everret (1983) suggested that the cationic exchange capacity (CEC) of peat soil is generally very high, usually more than 100 cmol kg-1 soil. CEC of peat soils in the highlands Anai including high and very high, ie between 35.1 to 65.6 cmol kg-1 soil. The data in plain peat soil CEC Anai samples taken from several profiles.
Base saturation value (M) is the percentage of the total cation exchange capacity occupied by base cations such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium. KB value is closely related to soil pH and fertility levels.
Acidity will decrease and soil fertility will increase with increasing family planning. The rate of release of cations adsorbed to the plants rely on a ground-level family planning. A land said to be very fertile if KB is larger than 80%, moderate fertility if its KB ranged from 50% to 80%, and said to be infertile if his KB less than 50% (Tan, 1993).
Follow-up problem that has been solved peat is an attempt to use fertilizers to improve soil fertility (macro and micro) and ameliorant materials. Micro fertilizer used on peat soil to a depth of more than 1 m. (Prasad, 1996), liming to raise soil pH (Mawardi et al, 1997), and application of microbial organic material rot (Poeloengan et al, 1995).
The results of the study Mawardi et al, (1997) showed that ameliorant materials can neutralize organic acids that are poison, increasing pH, and improve plant growth and production.
According Sastrosupadi et al, (1992) Calcification can increase soil pH, neutralize Al, and increase the availability of P to plants. The low pH and the amount of buffering capacity of peat soil caused a lot of lime required for each unit increase in pH.
From the results of one study concluded that agricultural activities contribute significantly to the destruction of ecosystems peat is peat land clearing activities by way of fuel. Peatland clearance by way of fuel, the damage they cause significant peat.
In addition, the use of chemical fertilizers with high doses may damage soil structure and cause pollution, both on agricultural land and the environment, causing a slump in land productivity.
Agriculture which only relies on the use of chemical fertilizers, in addition to providing a positive impact on increasing production, also had a negative impact in the form of land degradation and waste of energy. In this era of globalization and the environment, agriculture development orientation geared to increase production in a sustainable manner (maintaining soil quality and the environment) premises ways to improve soil fertility using natural resources such as agricultural waste recycling so that the use of chemical fertilizers can be reduced.
Alternatives maintain and improve soil fertility and avoid the negative impacts of peat ash of burnt peat and use of chemical fertilizers, among others, by combining the use of agricultural wastes as ameliorant and adaptive planting varieties and utilization of organic fertilizer. Making ash as a farmer ameliorant done in conjunction with the dry season, that is by burning peat in time to clear the land of Hosting Murah Berkualitas weeds and shrubs. The high price of fertilizer led to farmers' dependence on fuel from peat ash higher.
The main obstacles encountered in the development of agriculture in the tidal area (peat) is the presence of a thick peat layer and a layer of pyrite (FeS02). Peat has distinctive properties, ie properties not dry behind (irreversible drying) and carrying a large water retention (Driessen and Soepraptohardjo, 1974). While the mineral pyrite is a marine sediment formed in water-saturated soil, rich in organic matter and enriched by soluble sulfates from the sea. Pyrite has a unique nature and depend on the state of the water (Van Breemen and Pons, 1978). In the water-saturated state of pyrite is stable and harmless, but in the dry state or excessive drainage of the pyrite becomes unstable and easily oxidized. Pyrite oxidation will cause soil acidification due to be followed by the release of iron ions and sulfate ions, will further destroy the structure of clay minerals thereby increasing the acidity, iron, dissolved aluminum in the soil.
In the context of peatland conservation efforts to prevent land degradation is how to maintain the peat layer at the boundary between 25-50 cm dependent farming systems developed and prevent excessive oxidation of pyrite. The results of the mapping large areas of peatland in Kalimantan, including the area of peatland development (PLG) million acres are in the pyrite-rich marine sediments at depths that vary between 25-100 cm. Therefore, shrinkage or loss of the upper layer (peat) can cause soil acidification and contamination of the environment. In addition, with the increasing peat shrinkage can lead to disruption of the water system in order peat because peat properties are great in storing water that is between 200-800% weight (Nugroho et al., 1997).
Peatlands are derived from the land and its vegetation peat formation contained thereon is formed in areas of low topography and high rainfall or in areas where the temperature is very low. Peat soils have a high organic matter content (> 12% C. The carbon) and a minimum depth of 50 cm peat. Peat soils are classified as Histosol in the system
Classification FAO UNESCO (1994), namely that contain organic matter is higher than 30 percent, in a layer 40 cm or more thick, the top section 80 cm soil profile. Peat is a natural resource that has many uses, among others, for the cultivation of agricultural crops and forestry, and aquaculture, as well as can be used for fuel, media seeding, soil amelioration and to absorb environmental contaminants.
C. Nature of Biology
According to Waksman in Andriesse (1988) overhaul during the formation of peat organic matter carried by anaerobic microorganisms in this reshuffle produced methane and sulfide gas. After the peat drained for agricultural purposes then part peat soil surface conditions become aerobic, thus allowing fungi and bacteria evolved to break down cellulose compounds, hemisellulosa, and proteins. Tropical peat is generally composed of wood so that many contain lignin, a bacterium commonly found in tropical peat is Pseudomonas addition to white mold and fungi Penecilium (Suryanto, 1991). Pseudomonas is a bacterium that is able to remodel lignin (Alexander, 1977). Research on the decomposition of peat in Palangkaraya showed that surface decomposition of peat is mainly caused by aerobic decomposition performed by fungi (Moore and Shearer, 1997).
On how research on peatland Jawai (Sambas district) and Jangkang (Kab Pontianak) can be isolated bacterium Bradyrhizobium japonicum that can be used to improve soybean yield in peat. Soy is a plant very much need the nitrogen, 40-80 percent of the nitrogen can be supplied through a symbiotic soybean and soybean root nodule bacteria (B. japonicum). Peat has a low N availability. Inoculation of B Bisnis Investasi Online Sebagai Lowongan Kerja, Dan Peluang Usaha Murah japonicum origin Jawai and effective Jangkang can increase N content and yield of soybean (Sagiman and Anas. 2005).
D. Water System Settings On Peat Soil
Marginal land such as peat land into productive land can be improved by applying appropriate technologies. Peatlands are characterized by a high content of organic matter, high soil acidity, but has a macro and micro nutrient availability is very low. Additionally path rainy season water-logging will occur and the path will dry season drought, so water management becomes an absolute necessity (Yardha, et a1, 1998; Joseph, et a1, 1999).
· Source of Water in Peatlands
As one of the types of wetlands, the presence of water in the peat is strongly influenced by the presence of rain and tidal / river flood water. The behavior of both high and will affect the long pool of water in peatlands and will ultimately affect the level of soil fertility and crop patterns to be applied on it. Peatlands are often receiving the overflow of river water is relatively more fertile than peatland merely accept runoff / rainfall. The nature of flood / water tidal reach of the river that can reach peatlands can be handled to overcome the obstacles of agriculture on peatlands, eg for washing the toxic substances or strong acids derived from the oxidation of pyrite and regulate the presence of water so that the plants can grow well.
· Technology of Water Management in Peat Moss
Water management in peatlands aims to regulate the use of water resources optimally so that the results obtained / maximum land productivity, and simultaneously maintain the sustainability of the land resource. One of the techniques of water management in peatlands can be done by making the trench / channel, with the aim of:
1. Controlling the presence of water in the peat soil in accordance with the needs of the plants to be cultivated. Meaning: peat does not become dry in the dry season, but also not flooded in the rainy season. It can thus be achieved by making the floodgate (flapgate) that can regulate water levels at the same peat soils hold water that comes out of the land;
2. Washing the organic acids and inorganic as well as other compounds that are toxic to plants and insert (supply) of fresh water to provide oxygen;
3. LigaTaruhan Agen Bola, Agen Sbobet, Agen Ibcbet, Agen 338A TerpercayaUtilizing the presence of water in the channel as a medium fish farming, cultivation of both active (where the fish seed sown in the channel) and the cultivation of passive (where the trench / channel digunaan as fish traps in the vicinity when the river overflowed).
Besides the existence of water in the ditch will serve as firebreaks to prevent the occurrence of fires in peat; panen.Lahan results as a means of transportation is one type of peat swamp land that is always saturated or stagnant water, such conditions make it difficult to develop peatlands as agricultural land. One of the key success factors of agricultural development on peat lands, in addition to increasing fertility is controlling the water level in it so that the peat kept moist but not flooded during the wet season and dry in the dry season. Setting the proper water level is also intended to toxic materials leaching process runs smoothly so as to create a good growing medium for plants.
Some water management techniques which have been developed in wetlands (including peat), among others:
(1) System trench / Handil on the banks of the river, and
(2) The system model of fork channels in tidal land
(Developed by the University of Gajah Mada).
Both of these systems have the disadvantage that the flow of water into or out of the plot of peat (at the time pasang-surut/luapan progress) occurs in the same channel, and the channel is often the case silting caused by river silt. These conditions lead to blockage of the channel so that the water turnover in the ongoing plot of land is not perfect, as a result of toxic materials and also compounds accumulate acid / accumulated in the channel and cause the water quality to be ugly. The above conditions can be overcome by lifting / throwing sediment from the channel or separate channel incoming water / irrigation (inlet) out with water / drainage (outlet).
1. Trench system / Handil by the river
Farm management system with trench / Handil this, since time immemorial has been developed by farmers in the interior of Borneo peat. Trench made from the leading edge of the river perpendicular to the direction of the mainland, on left and right ditch-made dike embankment which is generally used as a road as well as land ownership boundaries. Trenches can be seen as a secondary channel when the river is seen as the primary channel. Trenches made gradually and aligned with the changing conditions of land, tidal influence (depth of the water table) and the thickness of the peat. Application of the trench system usually begins with the clearing business (reclamation) with pioneering and cutting / felling large trees.
This work is done in groups and gradually and starting from the edge of the river perpendicular towards the interior. Trench system / Handil characterized by:
1. Land farming is generally within 0.5 to 4 km from the river bank inland, or up to a maximum thickness of 1 meter of peat;
2. At the edge of the embankment of the river is usually not made, because there is a river embankment that formed naturally so that when the river tide or flood, flood water will be retained in the business area and inundation caused limited;
3. Trenches are usually made double, first as a drainage channel (discharge) when the water receded and the second as irrigation (irrigating) Bisnis Online Sederhana Hasil Dahsyat Modal Hemat
if the tide. The flow of water in the ditch was a two-way or two-sided;
4. To maintain the presence of water on land / plots, then the dignity fitted trench to prevent the escape of water during low tide but when the tide water can easily fit in the plot;
5. To prevent the trench is not clogged by silt, it is necessary to removal / disposal of sludge regularly once every month;
6. The width of the trench / Handil measuring 5 meters and narrowing upstream ditch. On the right and left of the trench made dykes / bunds for growing fruits which serves as a reinforcement of embankments to prevent landslides. On top of this embankment, also can be made of the lodges;
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