Rabu, 28 Mei 2014

Demolition trees and stumps

Demolition trees and stumps Implementation Demolition and tree stumps can be done in three ways. a. Trees and stumps dismantled completely straight up roots-roots, so as not to be a source of disease for the roots of the tea plant.
PokerVoVo.com Judi Poker Online dan Domino Kiu Kiu Uang Asli Indonesia b. Trees can be turned off first before dismantled by means of debarking trees (ring barking), ranging from ground level to a height limit of 1m. after 6-12 months, the tree will dry out and die. c. Trees turned off by the use of toxic chemicals such as sodium arsenate or aborosida or GARLON 480 P. In this way the bark peeled around 10-20cm wide, at a height of 50-60 cm from the ground, and then administered the poison with a dose of 1.5 g / cm circle rod. The tree will die after 6-12 months, ie after the starch reserves in the roots out. Stems cut at the roots and stumps neck backfilled with soil as deep as 10 cm. 1. Cleansing scrub and weeds Having carried out the demolition and disposal of trees, bushes cleared, then rolled and then discharged into the abyss that is not planted with tea, or stacked at the edge of the land to be planted. The waste should not be burned because burning will damage the state of tea, kills soil microorganisms useful, and it will burn the humus soil, so it will cause the soil to become barren. Weeding can also use a chemical herbicide doses that have been listed in the trademark. 2. Tilth
Intent is to try tillage land into fertile, loose and clean of the remnants of roots and stumps, as well as the deadly weed that is still growing. The area to be planted, hoed twice. The first hoeing depth of 60 cm to loosen the soil, cleaning up the remnants of roots and weeds. While the second hoeing done 2-3 weeks after the first hoeing, performed depth of 40 cm for maratakan land. 3. Making roads and drainage channels
After processing is complete and pematokkan subsequent measurements. Stake / stakes placed every 20 m, both the length and direction of the width direction. Thus is formed the plot-plot measuring 20m x 20m or 400 m2. Finish making the garden plot next roading. In making this garden path slope factor should be taken into consideration as well as maintenance work and transportation factors shoots. Thus the garden path made just enough, not too much to cause the wasted land and not too little so difficult implementation work in the garden (Darmawijaya, 1977). PembibitanBelajar Tea Cultivation
Poker757.com Agen Judi Poker Online Terpercaya Indonesia Techniques - Indonesian people who develop quite a lot of tea cultivation in Indonesia. Especially in the cool temperate regions. In the area of ​​West Java, areas that the majority of communities struggling with the cultivation of tea, among others, and Pangalengan Peak area. The two regions are not only used as a tea cultivation area, also frequently used as a vacation spot because the cool air.

Minggu, 18 Mei 2014

Sago plants flowering and fruiting at the age

Sago plants flowering and fruiting at the age of about 10 to 15 years , depending on the type and conditions of growth and after the tree will die ( Brautlecht , Haryanto and Pangloli 1953 , 1992) . Flach (1977 ) states that the early flowering phase is characterized by the release of the flag leaf size is shorter than the leaves before.Sago interest is compound interest that shoots out of the tip of thMASTERPOKER88.COM  JUDI POKER ONLINE UANG ASLI INDONESIA RESMI DAN TERPERCAYAe rod or sago , brownish red like rust ( Manuputty , 1954 in Haryanto and Pangloli , 1992) . Meanwhile, according Harsanto (1986 ) , sago flowers arranged in tightly manggar , berkuran are small , white waranya shaped like a coconut male flowers and odorless .Flowers sago branched branch consisting of primary, secondary and tertiary ( Flach , 1977) . He also explained that there is a pair on the tertiary branches male and female flowers , but male flowers eject pollen before the female flowers open or bloom . Therefore, it is suspected that the sago plant is cross-pollinated plants , so that when the plant grows solitary rarely forming fruit .When sago is not immediately felled by the time the flowers bloom will form fruit . Small round fruit , flaky and golden brown , arranged in bunches like a coconut fruit ( Harsanto , 1986) . The time between the flowers begin to appear until fruit formation phase allegedly took place approximately two years ( Haryanto and Pangloli , 1992) .Sago cultivation are perennials that bloom or bear fruit only once in his lifetime . After flowering and fruiting sago will die ( Harsanto 1992) .Furthermore, Haryanto and Pangloli (1992 ) explains that the sago plant will produce puppies sequentially with child birth pattern forming clumps hereinafter wider . Type sago rattan allowed to grow wild and no maintenance effort . Further Haryanto and Pangloli (1992 ) explains that the sago plant population depends on the type , production areas and the treatment given during the period of growth in which growth is maintained or cultivated sago population is more dense than that grows wild .
F. Environmental Plant Growing SagoSago plants are plants that grow well in the equatorial regions , in coastal areas and along the river at latitudes between 10 ˚ and 10 ˚ N latitude and at an altitude of 300 to 700 meters above sea level ( asl ) , has more rainfall of 2000 mm per year ( Tan , 1982; Harsanto , 1986) .According Harsanto (1986 ) that the amount of rainfall are favorable for the growth of sago allegedly between 2000 and 4000 mm per year , spread evenly throu
NAGALAUT.COM Agen Judi Bola Online Piala Dunia 2014, SBOBET, IBCBET Terbaik dan Terpercaya di Indonesiaghout the year with an average temperature of 24 ˚ C to 30 ˚ C. . Optimal temperature for growth of sago ranged between 24.50 - 15oC to 29oC and minimum temperature , relative humidity 90 % . . Sago can be grown in areas with air relative humidity 40 % . Optimum moisture for growth is 60 % .

Sabtu, 10 Mei 2014

Plant Rubber ( Hevea braziliensis ) mostly

Plant Rubber ( Hevea braziliensis ) mostly planted with large land areas outside Java . To narrow land if there were any benefits? The answer is no !With a land area of ​​0.2 hectares , we are still able to harvest leads from trees we planted , so do not worry .
Agen Bola TangkasThe annual harvest ( both taken parts of the plant , or the timber is ) currently being loved by many people . In addition to earning a stable ( due to old age long ) , growers also simultaneously undertake conservation efforts . After perennials / annual production , further treatment is usually easier and cheaper than horticulture crops . To that end , choosing rubber agro trans magazine as one topic this time .
Met at his residence in the cool city of Wonosobo - Central Java Herman ( 43 ) with mantab explained that rubber cultivation is very profitable . This man explains the ins and outs of this highly prospective crop . " Beginning , we cooperated with PT . JA Wattie for this rubber mengebunkan in around Limassol , " he said opening the story . The PT is a company engaged in agribusiness national scale . Currently Herman with residents already managed to plant about 50 acres and 30 acres of rubber plantations have started production .
Plants Rubber Plants not native to Indonesia , but imported from abroad . Outside this country , later known latex . In the past , before the rubber is known , the American population uses other plants also produce sap . After then known to produce rubber latex can amount to a lot , then another plant was abandoned . The rubber plant is a plant from Brazil that has now been developed in many places , including Indonesia . Plants of Euphorbia tribe
Jual Website Murahs widely cultivated by PTPN . Along with the promised benefits , many individuals are also seeking the rubber plant . Although it can be developed dilahan narrow , rubber still requires certain spacing . Spacing that is too narrow will cause the plants to be slow in achieving tapping girth . It also causes the disease susceptible plants and the canopy easily broken .